STEM Education

Our Company's Strategy in Advancing STEM Education

In today’s rapidly evolving world, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education plays a pivotal role in preparing the next generation for success. Many African schools and students, however, face challenges in providing and accessing high-quality STEM instruction and resources. This outlines our strategic approach to the effective introduction of STEM education in schools.

Understanding Educational Needs:

The first step we take involves conducting comprehensive research to understand the specific needs and
challenges faced by local schools. This research includes identifying the gap in STEM Education in these
schools, existing curriculum, and any obstacles that educators and students encounter in STEM education.

Providing Resources

One of the most valuable contributions we make as a company is to provide essential STEM resources. These include and are not limited to offering equipment, educational materials, and software that support hands-on learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. We engage them with tech programs and competitions both local and global while teaching and equipping them with tech skills and knowledge, from CODING, A.I, VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY to EDUCATION SIMULATIONS, CYBER SECURITY INVOLVEMENT, etc. The availability of these resources can significantly enhance the quality of education provided to students and teachers.

Teacher Training:

Effective teachers are vital to the success of STEM programs, so we also offer training programs and workshops for educators and teachers, ensuring they gain the necessary skills and knowledge needed to deliver engaging and impact full STEM instruction, embedding it into their teaching styles, bringing life and interaction to their classrooms.

Curriculum Development

Collaboration with educators is key in developing or enhancing STEM curriculum materials that align with the specific needs and standards of the schools, so we design STEM curriculums that are very engaging, practical, and relevant to real-world applications which can fit in into the curriculums of schools

Mentorship Programs:

We play a crucial role in inspiring and guiding students by working with them as mentors, walking them through their journey in STEM Education. We also mentor them when they have local or global competitions like TECHNOVATIONS, FUTURE CITY, SOCIETY OF WOMEN IN ENGINEERING (SWE), CLIMATE CHANGE COMPETITIONS etc. We, far beyond working with them as their mentors, also encourage them to volunteer as mentors to provide others students with valuable insight and motivation to pursue STEM fields.

STEM Programs and Competitions:

We know the importance of teamwork, involvement, competing and winning, so we sponsor, organize and involve them in STEM events, competitions, or science fairs which ignite students’ interest and provide them with opportunities to showcase their skills, fostering healthy competition and creativity 

Scholarships and Grants:

To incentivize students to excel in STEM, we offer scholarships or grants to those students, majorly the girl child and others pursuing STEM-related education. We know that reducing financial barriers can make STEM careers more accessible to a wider range of students. We have offered scholarships to over 500 girls, encouraging them to go to school and also get immersed into STEM Education

Measuring Impact

It is essential to establish a system for tracking and measuring the impact of STEM initiatives, gathering data on students’ performance, engagement, and participation in STEM activities before, during and after our tech or STEM events or programs. This helps us to assess the effectiveness of these programs and know where to focus more on.


Creating a sustainable model for involvement in STEM education is vital, so we form long-term partnerships with schools governing bodies, agencies and parastatals and commit to continuously update and adapt programs to ensure lasting impact on the students, teachers and the community.

Community Involvement

As part of STEM Education advocacy and community impact, we engage with the local community, including parents and community leaders, which we know is critical for building support for STEM education because the kids and teachers we develop and tech come back, use the STEM and tech skills gained to help and give back to the community and ensuring its long-term success.

Celebrating Achievements

Finally we fully recognize and celebrate students and teachers achievements and involvement in STEM Education and fields which motivate other students and educators and demonstrate the positive impact of our company’s involvement in their education.